A nice lunch dish made with freshly picked yellow waxed beans, fresh dill and a good portion of sour cream. Served with a bit of meat stew like pörkölt or as on the picture (thanks mum!), paprika chicken. Good to try with green beans and works well with tinned green or yellow beans.
- 600g (1.3 lb) yellow wax beans or green beans
- 1 medium onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- 300 ml (1.2 cup) water
- 2 tbsp sunflower oil
- few springs of dill choped
- salt, pepper
- splash of vinegar to serve with (optional)
- 220 ml (~1 cup) sour cream
- 3 tsp flour
- 2 tsp paprika powder (optional)
How to make
- Cook the finely chopped onions and garlic on a little oil.
- Pour in the water add the chopped up beans salt and pepper and cook till tender. (10-15 minutes)
- Mix the sour cream, flour – could add a small teaspoon of paprika powder too, stir to a smooth consistency
- Laddle in a little of the hot liquid from the beans, and stir well to even out the temperature this will help a lump-free result.
- Pour in the sour cream mixture to the slowly simmering beans, stir and bring to the boil.
- Add the chopped dill
- A popular way to eat it is with a splash of vinegar

Harbot Bob, is cream green bean soup, I toss chopped fresh dill in, 1/2 way to el dente beans simmered in salted water. Mix sour cream with flour. whip in milk or buttermilk or 1/2 &1/2. Strain i9nto pot low simmer . If strained (NO LUMPS) Ma always added 1-2 cans rinsed dark red kidney beans at end. Cut all heat. We ate this warm ,. not hot. Its soooo, dandy on a 90+ degree day right out of the fridge. I add a frww blasts of good vinegar at very end to give it a tangy finish. Not complicated. But they were farmers from Tiszalok. On the river Tisza. Grandpa mwas a vitner in Tokay, Till WWI broke out. End of life in Szabolcz.
Harbot Bob? :-) Thanks for this lovely recipe, sounds utterly delicious, and imagine refreshing eaten chilled in the summer especially with the dill added.
The river Tisza and the historic Tokaj (Tokay) wine region is a beautiful part of Hungary with world famous wines especially Tokaji aszu a special dessert wine, which I see everywhere in supermarkets and people often ask about it. How interesting to know that your Grandpa was a vitner there, part of its rich culture of excellent wine making!
For those who might be interested reading more about Tokaji wine (Tokaji meaning: from Tokaj) , here is a great little summary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokaji#Types_of_Tokaji_wine