A collection of Hungarian recipes and home cooking

Hungarian Tidbits

Garlic Spinach Sauce – Spenót Főzelék

spinach sauce
Spinach “fozelek” – pottage, stew is a great spring and early summer treat after the long winter days. Usually eaten as a lunch/main course with a variation of eggs, eggy bread or fried meat patties.  Spinach garlic and black pepper being the main ingredients, this could also be a great sidedish with a plain roast or piece of meat or fish.

Ingredients – 4 portions

  • 500 gram (1.1 pounds) fresh spinach leaves
  • 50 gram (4 tablespoons) butter
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic minced
  • 15 gram ( 2 tablespoons) plain flour
  • 350 ml (1.5 cups) milk (full fat)
  • Salt/black pepper to taste


  1. Wash the spinach leaves, remove any tough stalks
  2. Finely chop the washed leaves
  3. Heat the butter in a deep pan, add the chopped spinach, may need to do this in batches, stir continuously until the leaves collapse and shrink considerably. (5-10 minutes)
  4. Add the freshly crushed garlic cloves
  5. Sprinkle the flour evenly onto the cooking buttery spinach, stir to distribute evenly, cook or 1-2 minutes
  6. Gradually add the milk whilst stirring, bring to the boil until the sauce thickens
  7. Season with salt and plenty of black pepper
  8. Puree some or all of the sauce with a hand blender (optional)


Soak a white bread roll in milk for a few minutes until completely softens, squeeze out the liquid and add this to the cooking spinach sauce, it will enrich the taste and texture.


4 thoughts on “Garlic Spinach Sauce – Spenót Főzelék

  1. Hello. Any idea where I can find/ order online this Hungarian spinach seed so I can grow it for me and my mom???

  2. This is a main course usually served with a fried egg on top and bundas kenyer – a kind of Hungarian french toast.

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