A collection of Hungarian recipes and home cooking

Hungarian Tidbits

Vegetable Marrow Stew with Dill – Tökfőzelék

The creamy vegetable marrow stew is best paired with the obligatory bunch of finely chopped dill, they are really well matched. Nearly always served with a splash or two of vinegar that nicely balances out the sourcream, making it into a refreshing summer dish. Served here with a paprika meat stew, pörkölt, it’s also nice with slices of roast meats or with one or two of Hungarian meat patty, fasirozott.

Pick a nice tender marrow, need to peel the outer tough skin, a potato peeler is perfect for this. Cut the marrow in half and with a spoon scoop out the soft middle bit with the seeds, won’t need these. Grate the cleaned flesh of he marrow on a coarse cheese grater, more traditionally a vegetable mandolin that would cut the marrow into long strips a bit like a thick spaghetti.


  • 750g grated marrow
  • 3 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 1 medium white onion, finely chopped
  • 500 ml vegetable stock or water
  • 1 tsp 10% vinegar (white wine vinegar, apple vinegar)
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • salt, pepper
  • 1 tsp paprika powder – optional
  • 1 tbsp flour
  • 100 ml cream or sour cream (15-20% fat content)


  1. Rinse the grated marrow and squeeze out the liquid
  2. Cook the finely chopped onion on a little oil
  3. Add the marrow, salt, stir thoroughly then the chopped dill can go in (retain a bit of dill for serving).
  4. Cover with the water in, put the lid on and cook on a moderate heat until tender.
  5. Combine the cream with the flour evenly, laddle in a bit from the hot liquid, stir and our into the boiling marrow stew
  6. Add the splash or two of vinegar to taste

how to make tokfozelek



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